Baby Massage
Mondays 1pm in Daisy Drop In: Rolling programme
Drop In. For babies 10+ weeks. New parents can learn baby massage techniques in a nice, warm, relaxing atmosphere. Sessions are free and oil will be supplied. Please contact Health Visitor for details: 01506 432621 Extn 145.
Well Baby Drop In:
Wednesday 1pm – 2pm Craigshill Health Centre: Rolling programme
Drop in for information, advice and support on all aspects of your baby’s growth and development, including all aspects of feeding. There will also be scales available for weighing your baby. Drop in and speak to the Health Visitor.
Tuesdays 10.30am – 11am, 12pm – 12.30pm and 2.OOpm – 2.30pm and Thursdays 6pm: Almondbank Library
Dates: Please contact Almondbank Library for details of dates: 01506 283133
Stories, songs & rhymes for babies, toddlers & pre-school children.
Bring a grown up with you to share in the fun.
Baby Sensory Group
Tuesdays 9am – 12 noon in Daisy Drop In
This is a group for parents/carers and children 0-18 months old. The group provides sensory play opportunities with babies, chat with other mums and access to information e.g. health, parent issues etc. No need to book, just come along.
Breastfeeding Group
Thursdays 10. 30am in Daisy Drop In
Come along to the Daisy for advice and a chat with the Health Visitors and other mums about breast feeding etc. The Health Visiting Team are based at Craigshill Health Centre. Our role is to offer support and encouragement to families in the Community through the early years, from pregnancy and birth to Primary School. We offer advice and support to parents on their child’s growth & development and we can direct you to Health Promotion groups, including breastfeeding support groups, parent support groups and parenting programmes.
Music & Rhythm
Fridays 10.30am – 11am in Daisy Drop In
Come along and sing your favourite songs with our Playworker Donna. Lots of fun with parachute and bubbles after.
Messy Play
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1pm – 3pm in Daisy Drop In
Come along and join in our messy play sessions. Different messy play each week.
How to Sign Up and Get Involved.
Fill out the form below and press ‘Submit’. Please be sure to leave a contact number so we can get in touch with you.